Friday, December 26, 2008


Hello! Well, we survived Christmas. We got to see everyone and even talk to Joe from Iraq. The boys got way too much stuff (as usual). Jeff jokes that "Anti Claus" needs to come and take some stuff away. I definitely need to get rid of some toys, but am unsure the best way to go about it. Anyone have ideas on this?

I have my ultrasound on Monday. I hope it will reassure me, but I am so afraid it will be bad news. I need some positive vibes. (So send them my way)

I hope you all have a Happy New Year. 2009 is fast approaching!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Frosty Pop (made by Alex)

Busy (Scout) weekend

Grandma and the grandkids. Happy Birthday!
We had a busy weekend. Friday night we had our Tiger Cub Scout Den meeting and hiked to see the Christmas lights at the Rec Plex. The boys were all very excited. The Frosty Pops turned out cute.

I worked Saturday and so did Dad and Jeff. We have 1 wall of the family room framed and the started of another. Jeff is hoping to get the framing done before Dad leaves for FLA after Christmas. We will see how things go...

Saturday afternoon Alex and I delivered our Cub Scout Popcorn in the blustery wind. We about blew away and so did our popcorn. Alex took the initiative and actually spoke to the neighbors. He is growing up so fast!

Sunday we had our Cub Scout Pack Meeting. We were supposed to go carrolling but they decided the weather was too yucky, so we played some games instead. Santa visited and each Scout got a pinewood derby kit. Alex wants his to look like the one on the box, or maybe a Pepsi race car.

Sunday night was our annual Cecil Whittaker's birthday party for Mom. The boys ran around with their cousins and had a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Grandma!

Monday, December 8, 2008

4 walls

The waiting game...

Here I am again. I decided to blog instead of sorting my socks. I really hate sorting socks. I had my first visit with the OBGYN this morning. Not too much to report. I go for an ultrasound on Dec 29. Seems like a long time. I'm trying to think positive. It is really hard to do that after suffering two loses this year. It never even occured to me to worry with when I was pregnant with Alex and Jared. One of the miscarriage websites likened it to losing your innocence. Anyway, we will continue to pray for a good outcome.
We attended soccer awards on Sunday at All Saints. His team actually placed 3rd! Santa visited and Alex actually sat on his lap! I took a picture with my camera phone. I forgot my camera. If I can figure out how to get it off I will post it. Jared would not go near Santa.
I'm planning for our Cub Scout Meeting on Friday night. We are going to make Frosty Pops. (snowmen made out of marshmallows with a candy hat) Watch out for 11 six year olds armed with bamboo skewers! Then to look at Christmas Lights. It should be a lot of fun... Brr.
We officially have four walls to the Toy room now. Alex and Jared are excited. Alex wants to paint it green. We will have to see...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Basement Construction Beginnings

Playroom in Progress

My First Post

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am going to hop on board with the Millenium before the first teh years have passed. I thought I would start this to keep a record of what's been going on with us. My plans to scrapbook seem to have stayed only plans. I try to take lots of pictures of the family. My memory only seems to last so long. Hope this will help.

We hosted a wonderful but exhausting Thanksgiving with the family (both sides). I don't see how my mom did it by herself all those years. Jeff was wonderful (as usual) and made the turkey and stuffing.

Jeff and Dad started the second phase of our basement finishing project. The boys playroom is coming along.

We had fun at the Blues Game on Saturday (thanks to Uncle Mike for the tickets). Alex and Jared have become big hockey fans.

We got most of the Christmas decorations up over the weekend. Jeff braved the ladder (that thing is so heavy) to put up the outside lights. The boys and I decorated the tree.

We will welcome a new member to the family in August (please keep us in your prayers as we have sent two angel babies to heaven this year)