Monday, February 23, 2009

More basement pics

Built-in in progress


February Happenings

Hey! As February draws to a close. I thought I'd update my blog. This month we attended the train show and the boys enjoyed looking at all the trains. Alex particularly liked the Lego train and has started his own version in his room. Jared had surgery on Friday the 13th to repair a bilateral hernia and is doing well. The cub scouts visited a bank. I think they hoped for some free $ samples and a vault like those in the movies.

Basement work is moving along.
Here is the bar. It looks like a shop vac, but use your imagination.

Future bathroom

Big pile of drywall

We made some yummy cupcakes for Valentine's Day.

Jared contemplating cupcake consumption

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hey. Thought I would share a bit on my quest for answers/closure. I visited the reproductive endocrinologist last week. She is running some additional blood work, put Jeff and I on an antibiotic and wants to do an ultrasound of my uterus after my next cycle.

My OBGYN called Monday with the pathology report on my latest loss. It was positive for Turner's syndrome. It is disorder of the X chromosome affecting females. The most common chromosomal cause of miscarriage. This answers questions about this latest loss. The reproductive endocrinologist said I had a 1% chance of it happening again. I still wonder about the loss last summer. It was so similar to this recent one. Can my odds be that bad?

I am working at getting healthy but McDonalds tends to get in my way. I joined a Big Loser Challenge on It runs Feb 1 to May 1. Jeff and I are also giving up fast food for Lent. I need motivation.

Thanks for listening.

Can you believe it is February?

Happy February! Hope everyone is keeping warm. I can't believe how fast January flew by. We attended All Saints Trivia Night over the weekend and placed third. Our table grumbles cause they only pay out for first place. A fun time was had by all.

Jared has a new obsession- Superman. It started when TNT played Superman Returns last week. I proceeded to borrow Superman 1 and 2 with Christopher Reeve from the library after he expressed such an interest. He and Alex love to wear their Superman jamies. Jared flys around his Superman figure singing the John Williams theme "Da da da da daaa da da da".

Speaking of Jared (and Jeff) obsessions, the Great Train Expo is in town this weekend at the St. Charles Convention Center. We plan to attend.

We visited a pediatric surgeon this week for Jared. He developed a sudden-onset hydrocele in November (when he passed out at school and scared his teachers to death). It hasn't gone away. He is at risk for a hernia. We are going to have it repaired on Friday the 13th. We're counting on 13 remaining Jeff's lucky number.

Maybe I need to rename this entry- All about Jared???