Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Back to organization

Remember back in January when I blogged that I was going to get organized? I'm into the second trimester and feeling a bit better so back to it I go! I've been reading Laura Wittmann's blog  and finding great inspiration.  Last week I started on my craft closet. I have accumulated a lot of craft items as Mom, Sunday School Teacher, Cub Scout Leader, and attempted Scrap Booker.  For some reason items were scattered in three separate places in the house (my bedroom closet, my spare room (aka room of doom) and my actual designated craft space in the basement). Here is my "after" picture of my foam sticker collection. I didn't think to take a "before" shot. 

I really like Laura's Blog. I am going to trial the 52 weeks of organizing challenge on her site. Should be interesting. I'll be sure to take "before" photos next project.


Anonymous said...

I love taking the before and after shots, it motivates me to get it done!

Anonymous said...

what does one do with those things. i see them at michael's and don't know what one does with them....not that i need to buy more craft supplies or anything....just curious

Lisa said...

I used the stickers for a lot of craft projects when my kids were younger. No messing with glue. The boys like to use them now to decorate cards. I've used them to decorate sand pails for birthday party favors, Valentine mailboxes, bookmarks, Christmas Ornaments, Picture frames, etc. I seem to have accumulated a lot between Sunday School Projects, School Parties, and Cub Scouts.