Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breastfeeding; weight loss miracle or myth?

Happy New Year! Here is my first official entry for my weight loss, AKA self improvement blog. Today I am tackling the subject of breastfeeding and weight loss.

I breastfed my three boys (am currently nursing the youngest). With my first child, I gained about 50 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost it relatively easily (whether it was breastfeeding or my youthful 27 year old metabolism, I'll never know). With the second child, I had some complications and was on bed rest for 3 weeks. I was also no longer working full time as a hospital RN- I had gone to a part time desk job in an office. I also had a two year old running around (can I blame him for poor food choices and lack of exercise, lol) I did not gain as much with this pregnancy- but had a much harder time losing it. Ended up 15 to 20 lbs above my prepregnancy weight. emoticon

I have easily lost the 10 lbs weight I gained with my latest pregnancy. I haven't been dropping my weight from previous pregnancies (and miscarriages) like I had hoped I would with breastfeeding. I guess it is not the miracle weight loss aid from my younger days. He is close to taking solid foods, so I know that window of opportunity is closing. I hope that with a decrease in calorie intake and increase in exercise, breastfeeding will give me an edge in weight loss!

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